Zilingo’s Founder Ankiti Bose Files FIR Against Co-founders Over Allegations

Ankiti Bose, founder of Zilingo, files FIR against co-founders Dhruv Kapoor and former COO Aadi Vaidya.

  • Ankiti Bose, founder of Zilingo, files FIR against co-founders Dhruv Kapoor and former COO Aadi Vaidya.
  • Bose accuses Kapoor and Vaidya of fraud, cheating, and sexual harassment.
  • Allegations include hiding company data, coercing shares, and engaging in deceptive activities.

Ankiti Bose, the founder of technology and commerce platform Zilingo, has taken legal action by filing a First Information Report (FIR) against the company’s co-founder Dhruv Kapoor and former Chief Operating Officer (COO) Aadi Vaidya. Bose alleges a range of serious offenses, including fraud, cheating, and sexual harassment.

In her complaint, Bose claims that Kapoor and Vaidya engaged in deceptive activities, hiding crucial company-related data and information. She accuses them of attempting to gain financial advantages by coercing her into relinquishing her shares and business under false pretenses. Additionally, Bose alleges that Vaidya falsely attributed loss-making deals to her and extended trade credit in her name, leading to threats and harassment.

Both Kapoor and Vaidya have refuted Bose’s allegations, calling them baseless and malicious. This development adds a new layer to the ongoing saga surrounding Zilingo, a once-prominent startup that saw its valuation soar before facing internal turmoil and allegations of financial irregularities.

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