US Bans Kaspersky Antivirus Software Over Security Concerns

The US bans the sale and use of Kaspersky antivirus software due to security concerns.

  • The US bans the sale and use of Kaspersky antivirus software due to security concerns.
  • The ban affects downloads, updates, resales, and licensing of Kaspersky products.
  • Kaspersky disputes the decision, citing geopolitical tensions, and plans legal action.

The United States has announced a ban on the sale of Kaspersky antivirus software, citing security concerns. Officials believe that the Russian government’s influence over Kaspersky Lab poses a potential risk, as the software’s deep access to computer systems could be used to steal sensitive information or install malware. The ban covers software downloads, updates, resales, and licensing, affecting all Kaspersky products and any products integrating Kaspersky software under different brand names.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo emphasized the threat, stating that Russia has the capacity and intent to exploit Kaspersky for collecting and weaponizing personal information of Americans. Kaspersky, whose clients in the US include critical infrastructure providers and local governments, disputes the ban, arguing it is driven by geopolitical tensions rather than a thorough evaluation of their products. The company plans to pursue legal actions to challenge the decision.

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