Public Worries Over AI-Generated News: Survey Highlights Concerns

A new survey reveals widespread distrust in AI-generated news, especially on critical topics like politics.

  • A new survey reveals widespread distrust in AI-generated news, especially on critical topics like politics.
  • Many prefer AI to support journalists rather than create news content independently.
  • Paying for online news remains a challenge, with only a small percentage willing to pay.

A recent survey by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism highlights global concerns about the use of AI in news production. The report shows that a significant number of people distrust AI-generated news, especially on important topics such as politics. In the U.S., 52% of respondents are uncomfortable with AI-produced news, while in the UK, the figure is 63%.

Many respondents prefer AI to assist journalists behind the scenes rather than create news independently. Nic Newman from the Reuters Institute pointed out that 59% of people are worried about online misinformation, a concern particularly high in countries like South Africa and the U.S., likely due to upcoming elections.

News organizations also face challenges in getting people to pay for online news. Despite some growth during the pandemic, only 17% of people in 20 countries pay for online news, a number that hasn’t changed in three years. Additionally, the survey noted a rise in the popularity of individual news personalities on platforms like TikTok, with 57% of users preferring to follow individual personalities over traditional news brands.

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