OYO CEO Encourages Global Brands to Invest in India’s Thriving Market

OYO's CEO, Ritesh Agarwal, urges international companies to consider India as a prime destination for business expansion.

  • OYO’s CEO, Ritesh Agarwal, urges international companies to consider India as a prime destination for business expansion.
  • Agarwal highlights India’s favorable government policies and burgeoning business environment as attractive factors for global brands.
  • OYO Rooms reports a significant profit in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024, underscoring its success in India’s hospitality sector.

Ritesh Agarwal, the CEO of OYO Rooms, has advocated for global companies to tap into India’s burgeoning market. In a recent social media post, Agarwal emphasized India’s welcoming government policies and conducive business atmosphere, encouraging international brands to seize the opportunity to establish a presence in the country.

Highlighting India’s increasing appeal as a global business hub, Agarwal remarked on the nation’s transformation from being a back-office destination to a talent capital on the global stage. He urged businesses worldwide to include India in their expansion strategies, asserting that neglecting India could mean missing out on significant opportunities.

OYO Rooms, a leading player in India’s hospitality and travel-tech sector, demonstrated its financial prowess with a notable profit in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024. With OYO’s success and Agarwal’s advocacy, India continues to emerge as a promising market for global brands seeking growth and expansion opportunities.


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