Indian CEOs to Meet French President Macron at Choose France Forum

"Choose France Forum": French President Macron to host 7th edition on May 13th, featuring a session for Indian CEOs.

  • Choose France Forum”: French President Macron to host 7th edition on May 13th, featuring a session for Indian CEOs.
  • Objective: Forum aims to attract Indian investments to France, strengthen partnership between the two countries.
  • CEOs attending: Sunil Bharti Mittal, Pankaj Munjal, N. Chandrasekharan, and others set to participate in private dialogue.

French President Macron will convene the 7th edition of the “Choose France Forum” on May 13th, with a special session dedicated to Indian CEOs. This commitment stems from discussions between President Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi last July, aimed at fostering stronger economic ties between India and France.

The forum seeks to encourage Indian investments in France and bolster collaboration between the two nations. Seven prominent Indian CEOs, including Sunil Bharti Mittal and N. Chandrasekharan, are slated to attend the event at Versailles this weekend. The private dialogue between Indian and French CEOs, facilitated by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, will focus on topics like sustainable urban development and consumption patterns.

President Macron is scheduled to address the CEOs following the private dialogue. With expectations of surpassing last year’s investment figures, officials anticipate significant announcements at this year’s summit, potentially exceeding 13 billion Euros. The forum’s expansion reflects France’s commitment to attracting global investments, fostering economic growth, and creating employment opportunities in the coming years.

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