India Post SMS scam, PIB alert, data security

PIB Fact Check warns about an India Post SMS scam deceiving users with fake package delivery messages.

  • PIB Fact Check warns about an India Post SMS scam deceiving users with fake package delivery messages.
  • Scammers use malicious links in SMS to steal sensitive data from unsuspecting smartphone users.
  • PIB advises users not to click on suspicious links and verify message authenticity to avoid scams.

PIB Fact Check has issued a warning to the public regarding a fraudulent SMS scam impersonating India Post. The scam involves deceptive messages claiming that a package has arrived at a warehouse but requires users to update their address details within 48 hours to avoid return.

The fake SMS prompts recipients to click on a link, leading to a malicious website (, where hackers attempt to install viruses or malware. This tactic aims to compromise users’ devices and steal sensitive personal information, which can be misused for fraudulent activities.

To combat this scam, PIB advises individuals to refrain from clicking on any suspicious links received via SMS or email. They emphasize that India Post does not send such messages requesting personal information updates for package delivery. Users are urged to verify the authenticity of messages and report any suspicious communications to authorities like PIB Fact Check or cyber police.

In addition to vigilance, PIB recommends keeping devices updated with the latest security software to mitigate risks associated with phishing and malware attacks. Heightened awareness and cautious online behavior are crucial in safeguarding against evolving cyber threats.

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