AI Expert Predicts Future Relationships with Technology Like the Movie “Her”

AI will become deeply integrated into all our devices, driving interaction through conversation.

  • AI will become deeply integrated into all our devices, driving interaction through conversation.
  • Our relationships with AI will become intimate and personal, similar to the movie “Her.”
  • Ethical development of AI is crucial to ensure it enhances our human connections.

Artificial intelligence is set to transform our relationships with technology. Toby Walsh, in an interview with Tech Today’s Aayush Ailawadi, predicted that AI will soon be the operating system for all our devices. From front door bells to toasters, everything will be connected to the Internet, and we will interact with this interconnected world through conversation with AI assistants.

Walsh suggests that we will develop deep, intimate relationships with these AI-driven devices. He likens this future to the movie “Her,” where AI becomes a significant part of personal life. As we become more attached to these technologies, it’s essential to address the psychological and social implications, ensuring that AI is developed ethically to enhance human connections.

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