WhatsApp to Introduce Offline File Sharing Feature Soon

WhatsApp may soon allow file sharing without internet via Bluetooth, as reported by WABetaInfo.

  • WhatsApp may soon allow file sharing without internet via Bluetooth, as reported by WABetaInfo.
  • Feature ensures end-to-end encryption and requires Bluetooth activation for local file sharing.
  • Opt-in process ensures privacy, with sender and receiver phone numbers hidden throughout.

WhatsApp users may soon enjoy the convenience of sharing files, including images, videos, and documents, without requiring an internet connection. A report by WABetaInfo suggests that WhatsApp is working on a feature that will enable offline file sharing using Bluetooth. This means users can simply turn on Bluetooth from their device settings and share files locally with other users.

The leaked screenshots shared in the report detail the permissions required for this feature to function on Android devices. Notably, both the sender and receiver devices need to have this offline file-sharing capability for the feature to work. It’s an opt-in process, ensuring that users have control over who can send files to them.

Moreover, the feature promises end-to-end encryption for added security, with phone numbers of both sender and receiver hidden throughout the process. Users will also have the option to revoke location permissions associated with this feature at any time from their phone settings.

While no specific release date has been confirmed yet, this upcoming feature is expected to enhance user experience on WhatsApp by providing a convenient and secure method for sharing files offline.

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