Indian Space Tech Startup Pixxel to Launch Six Satellites in 2024 with ISRO and SpaceX

Pixxel plans to launch six satellites in 2024 using ISRO and SpaceX rockets.

  • Pixxel plans to launch six satellites in 2024 using ISRO and SpaceX rockets.
  • The choice of rocket depends on satellite readiness and launch schedules.
  • Pixxel’s new MegaPixxel facility can produce up to 40 large satellites annually.

Bengaluru-based space tech startup Pixxel is set to launch six satellites in 2024 using rockets from ISRO and SpaceX, as reported by Moneycontrol. Pixxel CEO Awais Ahmed stated that the company plans to utilize both SpaceX’s rideshare missions and ISRO’s PSLV for these launches, depending on satellite readiness and available launch windows.

Pixxel recently opened a 30,000-square-foot facility in Bangalore called MegaPixxel. This facility, capable of producing up to 40 large satellites annually, will handle all activities from concept to launch. The new hyperspectral imagery satellites will support various industries such as agriculture, energy, forestry, and environmental monitoring.

Ahmed mentioned that while SpaceX’s Transporter missions usually run on schedule, ISRO’s PSLV missions can face delays if the primary satellite isn’t ready. Pixxel has already launched three satellites, including the Shakuntala satellite using SpaceX’s Falcon-9 rocket in 2022. They plan to add more satellites later this year and next year, continuing their ambitious expansion in space technology.

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