Elon Musk Hints at Samsung Partnership for ‘X Phone’ Amid Criticism of Apple-OpenAI Alliance

Elon Musk hints at potential 'X Phone' collaboration with Samsung.

  • Elon Musk hints at potential ‘X Phone’ collaboration with Samsung.
  • Criticizes Apple’s partnership with OpenAI as a “security violation.”
  • Expresses concerns over data privacy and AI capabilities.

Elon Musk is hinting at a possible collaboration with Samsung to create an “X Phone,” optimized for Musk’s X app and Starlink integration. This speculation arose following Musk’s criticism of Apple’s partnership with OpenAI, calling it a “security violation.”

In a recent exchange on X, Musk responded to a user’s speculation about the Samsung “X Phone” by stating that such a project is not out of the question. This comes after Musk voiced strong disapproval of Apple integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT into iOS 18, suggesting that if Apple proceeds, devices using OpenAI may be banned at his companies.

Musk, who co-founded OpenAI but has since distanced himself, raised concerns about Apple’s ability to protect user data shared with OpenAI. He criticized Apple’s decision to rely on external AI capabilities while questioning their own AI development capabilities. Musk emphasized the importance of data security and privacy, expressing skepticism about Apple’s oversight of data once transferred to OpenAI.

The potential “X Phone” partnership between Musk and Samsung could introduce new dynamics to the competitive tech industry, particularly amidst ongoing debates over data privacy and AI integration in consumer devices.

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