Elon Musk Drops Lawsuit Against OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman

Elon Musk has withdrawn his lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman.

  • Elon Musk has withdrawn his lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman.
  • The lawsuit accused OpenAI of breaching its contract and straying from its original mission.
  • The dismissal follows Musk’s recent aggressive moves and the launch of his AI venture, xAI.

Elon Musk has abruptly dropped his lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman. The lawsuit, initially filed in February, claimed OpenAI breached its contract and deviated from its mission of developing AI for humanity’s benefit.

The withdrawal comes just before a scheduled court hearing and follows Musk’s recent controversial statements, including threats against Apple devices. Musk’s lawsuit alleged OpenAI violated agreements to remain a non-profit and keep its technology open-source. OpenAI denied these claims, stating Musk sought control of the company.

The sudden dismissal raises questions about Musk’s motivations, especially as his AI venture, xAI, gains momentum. xAI recently launched its “Grok” chatbot and secured substantial funding, including resources possibly redirected from Tesla.

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