Category Health

Prior Zika Exposure Increases Risk of Severe Dengue, Study Finds

Researchers from Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) found that the mechanism exacerbating dengue severity following Zika infection differs from that of two consecutive dengue infections, involving higher viral loads and activation of T cells leading to excessive inflammation.

Long COVID and Cognitive Slowing: A Prolonged Challenge

A study from the University of Oxford reveals that individuals with long COVID experience persistent cognitive impairments, notably cognitive slowing, which is independent of comorbid mental health factors, emphasizing the lasting impact on cognitive function.

Link Between Cirrhosis and Cognitive Decline in Veterans with Dementia

A groundbreaking study in JAMA Network Open reveals that up to 10% of elderly U.S. veterans diagnosed with dementia may actually be experiencing cognitive decline related to cirrhosis, emphasizing the critical need for early liver assessments to address potentially reversible causes of impairment.
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