WhatsApp is testing a new feature to replace phone numbers with usernames for added privacy.
A 4-digit PIN will be required for unknown users to send messages, providing an extra layer of security.
The feature is expected to increase privacy and flexibility for users, but may not roll out until next year.
WhatsApp is working on a new feature to enhance user privacy by replacing phone numbers with usernames. This means that users will have the option to use a username instead of their phone number for new interactions.
Additionally, a 4-digit PIN will be required for unknown users to send messages, providing an extra layer of security.
The feature was spotted in the latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android and is expected to increase privacy for users. Unknown users will not be able to text you just because they have your username; they will also need to have your ‘username PIN’ to text you. This feature is expected to provide users with greater flexibility in managing their privacy experience.
WhatsApp is also working on other features, including a ‘Chat theme’ feature that will allow users to change the chat bubble color, and an Airdrop-like feature for Android users to share media files and documents without an internet connection. These features are expected to roll out soon, but no official release date has been confirmed.