India has launched its first reusable hybrid rocket, RHUMI-1, developed by Space Zone India and Martin Group.
The rocket carries a payload of three CubeSats and 50 PICO satellites to collect data on global warming and climate change.
RHUMI-1 features an innovative hybrid propulsion system, combining liquid and solid fuels for improved efficiency and reduced costs.
India has achieved a significant milestone in its space journey with the launch of RHUMI-1, its first reusable hybrid rocket. Developed by Space Zone India and Martin Group, the rocket was launched from Chennai, carrying a payload of satellites to collect data on global warming and climate change.
RHUMI-1 stands out for its innovative hybrid propulsion system, which combines the advantages of both liquid and solid fuels. This technology promises improved efficiency and reduced operational costs, making space exploration more accessible. The rocket is also equipped with safety features, including a generic-fuel-based hybrid motor and electrically triggered parachute deployer.