A Bengaluru man received his laptop delivery from Flipkart in just 13 minutes through their quick commerce service, Flipkart Minutes.
Flipkart Minutes aims to deliver items to consumers in a matter of minutes, unlike other quick commerce platforms in India.
Netizens reacted with surprise and admiration, with one user commenting, “Indian quick commerce is on steroids!”
Flipkart’s quick commerce service, Flipkart Minutes, has made headlines with its incredibly fast delivery time. A Bengaluru-based man, Sunny Gupta, ordered a laptop and received it in just 13 minutes while sitting in a Starbucks cafe. This service is currently live in Bengaluru and promises to deliver items in a matter of minutes.
Gupta’s post about his experience went viral, with many users expressing surprise and admiration for the service. Some users questioned the need for such quick delivery, while others praised the innovation and competition in the e-commerce space. Flipkart Minutes is unique in that it offers high-end electronics, unlike other quick commerce platforms in India.
The success of Flipkart Minutes has sparked conversations about the future of quick commerce in India. With its ability to deliver laptops and other items in under 30 minutes, Flipkart is setting a new standard for e-commerce delivery services.
Wow , 7 mins toh mujhe thread padhne me lag gaye . The world is moving fast . pic.twitter.com/khZz7d7x24
— Neil Ghosh (@neilghosh) August 22, 2024
He is here!
Unboxing now, before I give the OTP.Background voice by @androidguy30 & @iabhi1610 pic.twitter.com/CtR4fwBInX
— Sunny R Gupta (@sunnykgupta) August 22, 2024